INTRODUCTION: In order to understand what the Bible says, we must
understand what the Bible is, what the Bible is not, and how the Bible is
I. What the Bible Is Not:
A. An anthology;
B. Any ordinary religious book;
C. A printed gathering of sayings and stories;
D. Just a compilation of verses not related to each other;
E. Does not contain the Word of God.
II. What the Bible Is:
A. The very Word of God;
B. The perfect record of God communicating to human beings;
C. A complete and connecting story of the historical background of
and the reason for the coming of The Messiah;
D. A Record of God's communication to man covering a span c. 1700
III. How The Bible Is Composed:
A. The Fivefold Unity of The Bible
1. Unity of Theme
The Theme of The Bible: The Coming of The Messiah and His Kingdom
of Righteousness and Peace.
2. The Purpose of The Bible: To Teach the Plan of Redemption.
a. Purpose of The Old Testament: To Present The Lord Jesus Christ
as The Coming Redeemer.
b. Purpose of The New Testament: To Present The Lord Jesus Christ
as The Redeemer Who Came.
3. The Structural Unity of The Bible: Two Testaments: History,
Teachings, and Prophecy in each.
4. The Historical Unity of The Bible: more than forty authors presenting
one complete, connecting story without contradiction or error.
5. The Doctrinal Unity of The Bible: a harmony of teaching over a
span of seventeen centuries.
B. Four Unique Characteristics of The Bible:
1. The Inexhaustible Depths of The Bible (Rev. 22:18;19; Deut. 4:2;
12:32; Eccl. 3:14).
2. The Indestructibility of The Bible: survived all attempts to eradicate it.
3. The Unique Ability of The Bible: to Change Lives.
4. The Unique Origin of The Bible: God Himself (2 Peter 1:21).
The Bible is exactly what it claims to be, a perfect, supernatural
record of The Written Word of God.
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