Happy Heralds, Inc

What is
Happy Heralds Inc.?

--A ministry, founded in February 1952 to serve The Lord Jesus Christ in spreading The Gospel through the spoken and printed Word.

--A prayer-supported "faith ministry" depending upon The LORD to supply the finances to continue, through missionary support by local churches and free-will offerings of The Lord's people who are faithful stewards in fellowship in The Gospel. No public appeal for funds by mail, radio, television or any other way is made. Tracts are sent without charge. We closely adhere to three principles: (1) "Buy The Truth and sell it not" (Proverbs 23:23); (2) "You received without cost, constantly give without cost!" (Mt. 10:8 APT); (3) "Where God guides, He provides."

--A non-profit religious organization incorporated on November 30, 1954, under the laws of the State of Delaware and recognized as tax-exempt by the United States government and the Internal Revenue Service and authorized to issue tax-deductible receipts for contributions received.

Declared Purposes

"To proclaim The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ as set forth in The Word of God, The Bible, by printed material, public and private meetings, and any other way which may be developed as a means of contacting and reaching people for Christ."

We believe in the local church! Our desire is to assist the local church by publishing and providing useful tools and material for evangelism, discipleship, and spiritual maturity.

Click here to read Happy Heralds, Inc. Doctrinal Statement

Click here to read WHAT WE BELIEVE AND WHY

Past Ministries

Happy Heralds, Inc., has had various radio ministries in the past forty-nine years including fifteen-minute weekly Gospel broadcasts for over twenty-five years, daily thirty-minute Study the Bible broadcasts for two years, daily fifteen-minute Read through the Bible broadcasts for at least two years, one-minute spot announcement Gospel presentations aired over a 50,000 watt station, and thirty-second Gospel presentations have been produced and televised from the Philadelphia area. In addition, Happy Heralds, Inc., has printed or purchased and distributed hundreds of thousands of Gospel tracts (multiple titles) in addition to ten thousands of copies of These Last Days (2nd edition, now out of print but available for download on our website).

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Last modified: January 19, 2021