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Author: Peter, the Apostle (1:1)
Date Written: Summer A.D. 67
Written to: Hebrew Christians dispersed
      throughout Asia Minor (1:1)

Key Word: Knowledge'' 7x
Key Verse: 1:12
Content: Christian Perils
Theme: Remembrance

  The writer of this Epistle was the Apostle Peter (1:1), fisherman from Kahpehrnah-oúm (Mk. 1:16,29). The Lord Jesus Christ gave the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to him (Mt. 16:17-19) opening the door of the Gospel to both Jews (Acts 2:1-41) and Gentiles (10:1-48) and whom The God used as apostle to the circumcision (Gal. 2:7,8). He also is the writer of First Peter.
  There is mich debate about attributing authorship of Second Peter to the Apostle Peter. This is mainly due to its late acceptance by the early Church at large. After wading through the pros and cons of each viewpoint, it was noted that there are more reasons to accept Peter as the author than to reject him as the author. None of the objections to Petrine authorship are consequential. They fail to prove that Peter is not the author, but merely cast doubt that he is the author. Nor do they offer an acceptable alternate author. Refer to the paper, A Consideration of the Attestation of Scripture to the Authorship of Hebrews, which also deals with the authorship of Second Peter in the first third thereof, on our website.
  Internal evidence to Peter's authorship is clear by: 1. the accepted title that bears his name and 2. his opening salutation (1:1). To deny authorship is to deny inerrant, infallible, plenary, verbal inspiration. 3. Peter claims to be eye witness to Christ's majesty on the Mount of transfiguration (2 Pet. 1:16-18). 4. He refers (1:14) to the statement The Lord Jesus made regarding his death, recorded by the beloved apostle John (John 21:18,19). 5. He claims authorship to First Epistle which bears his name and is attributed to Peter (3:1). 4. And he claims to be one of the apostles of The Lord Jesus Christ (3:2; 1:1).
  External evidence comes from the Muratorian Canon (A.D. 160-200): ‘‘We receive also . . . that of Peter which [foot note inserted] . . . A probable emendation reads ‘and one epistle only of Peter; a second is extant [actually, currently existing].''' Three Church Councils: of Lah-oh-deekeh-éeah (c. 366), of Hippo (393), and Carthage (397), all had recognized Second Peter as canonical. Both Asthanasias (296-373) and Cyril of Jerusalem (350-386) accepted all seven Catholic Epistles (this includes 1 and 2 Peter) as canonical. Also Firmilian, Bishop of Kaisáhreiah (Caesarea), of Kahppahdoh-kéeah (c. 270) wrote of ‘‘Peter and Paul, the blessed apostles, . . . who execrated heretics in their Epistles, and warned us to avoid them.'' Only 2 Peter contains such reference (2 Pet. 2:1-22); 1 Peter does not.
  Dating of this Epistle is based upon the anticipated sudden martyrdom of Peter himself which, it is consensually agreed, took place late in A.D. 67 or early 68. Shortly before that would indicate that Second Peter was written in Summer of A.D. 67.
  The destination of this Epistle is the Jewish Christians of the Dispersion scattered throughout Asia Minor and the ones with like precious faith (2 Peter 1:1; 3:1 cf. 1 Peter 1:1).
  The Purpose of Peter in this Epistle is to indicate his anticipation of his imminent death and to warn of false teachers and their corrupt and corrupting doctrines.
  Characteristics include: exhortative, cautionary, and prophetic.
The Book may be outlined as follows:
   I. Moral Corruption (1:1-14).
  II. Doctrinal Corruption (1:15-2:22)
 III. Steadfastness in View of This Corruption (5:10-14).
Alternate Outline:
   I. True Knowledge Proceeds from God, Purifies Man, and Produces Fruit

  II. False Knowledge Pollutes Man and Precludes Faith(2:1-22)
 III. Faulty Knowledge Pertaining to The Coming of Christ is Perfected (3:1-

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